Sunday, June 8, 2014

my new "real job"

Hi guys!

It is crazy old me again! I have missed you all greatly. You wouldn't believe how busy and dramatically hectic things have been(unless you watch my Vlog on YouTube that is ).

Well let's see how short I can make this story. the last thing I told you about here was the end of my last job. Well I have another job now full(ish) time, wonderful lady that owns an interior design business. I do her book keeping. I have had to acquire a new skill, quick books, which took all of 3 days to master, tho I still ask the accountant before I do anything that might make a boo boo.

To go all the way back to the end of an era, My hubby consequently lost his job about a month before I lost mine. I lost mine on Valentines day. I had to tell him but I didn't want to ruin Vday dinner so I had decided to wait.  He took me to a wonderful sushi dinner and was going on about losing his job and how at least I still had mine and all that jazz so I finally said " I have something to tell you about that and I just want you to hear what I tell you and we won't mention it again tonight because I want to have a good date." he got real quiet. Without looking at him directly, because I had tears in my eyes, I said " They are closing my office and I really don't want to talk about it and it happens in a month."

After a short pause he laughs. I look at him like he is nuts for doing so and then I laugh too. he says to me " boy aren't we a pair. " so we've got an odd sense of humor, what can I say. He hugged me and said it would all be fine.

I looked and looked for work, went on unemployment, and many many resume`s later my friend mentioned to me that Miss Shirley was losing her bookkeeper and said i should send her my resume`. I did and of course as things usually go ALL the things happened at once. she wanted to see me on a Saturday but I was doing a yard sale with Janis and her boyfriend that weekend. So I reschedules and saw her Monday instead.

I had also been working with a temp agency to get something as well. That turned out to be an epic fail. I went on a working interview with an insurance agency that was a whole day of OH MY GOD boring. That was 8 hours of my life I can't get back. Not to mention that it was one of those environments that made you feel instantly unwelcome. eeep!

The next day I did a working interview with Miss Shirley and her current book keeper that was leaving and it was awesome! I felt instantly comfortable there. the software was so easy and Denise was such a sweetie. She suggested taht I come back the next day to meet with the accountant to see if we could work together.

So I came back the next day a little later and worked again and all went well so Miss Shirley said well tomorrow is the first day of the pay week so you might as well start tomorrow! WOOT! everything had been smooth sailing so far. only a few little glitches but all is well. we are all getting along and I couldn't be happier unless I could have my pay and schedule from the old job at this job.

I do wish I had more time for the thinks I love, my family, my business, my personal me time and my friend Janis. but all in all at least I am not worrying over money any more. and I do still try to fit those things in when I can. and with any luck I will be able to finagle that schedule again and my "hobbies" ie my business will take off and will be my supplemental income and I can cut back on the "real job".